Aktivite Programı

Effective Between 08.05.2023-14.05.2023 |
Day | Time | Activity | Level | Subject | Room |
Monday | 17:00-17:50 | Grammar | 1-2 | Will vs Be Going to | ARKANSAS |
18:00-18:50 | Speaking | 3-4 | Why do some people sleep well while other people do not sleep well? | NEWYORK | |
Tuesday | 17:00-17:50 | Grammar | 3-4 | Present Perfect Continuous | ARKANSAS |
18:00-18:50 | Speaking | 1-2 | What music is popular in your country right now? | NEWYORK | |
Wednesday | 17:00-17:50 | Grammar | 1-2 | Should-Must-Have to for advice | ARKANSAS |
18:00-18:50 | Speaking | 3-4 | Who is/was the greatest inventor of all time? | NEWYORK | |
Thursday | 17:00-17:50 | Grammar | 3-4 | Simple Past Tense vs Past Perfect Tense | ARKANSAS |
18:00-18:50 | Speaking | 1-2 | Do you have certain routines? | NEWYORK | |
Friday | ARKANSAS | ||||
18:00-18:50 | Speaking | 3-4 | What is the best/worst first date experience you’ve ever had? | NEWYORK | |
Saturday | 13:20-14:00 | Grammar | 1-2 | Want-Would like | ARKANSAS |
13:15-14:00 | Speaking | 1-2 | What are the best pets? | NEWYORK | |
Sunday | 13:15-14:00 | Grammar | 3-4 | Present Continuous for Future | ARKANSAS |
13:20-14:00 | Speaking | 3-4 | What are the advantages/disadvantages of taking risks? | NEWYORK |
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