5 Phrases and Idioms to Express Happiness

When I woke up this morning, I had a feeling like my day would be
awesome and I started thinking about the phrases and idioms to express
happiness. I recalled some, but then, I thought there must be some rare
expressions that many people are not really familiar with, so I started
searching the internet to find some and share them with you rather than keep
for myself. So here are 5 uncommon
expressions that you can use when you are happy.
Grin from Ear to Ear
If someone looks very happy and content with a wide smile on his/her
face, that person is grinning from ear to ear. This expression is usually used
when someone is experienced a life-changing occasion in a positive way.
After her PhD thesis was
approved by the professors, she was so happy that she was grinning from ear to
Like a Dog with Two Tails
Everyone knows that dogs like chasing their tails and while doing it,
they have so much fun. Imagine a dog with two tails and how much it will enjoy
it and be happy, so this idiom is used to express extreme happiness.
James must have had great
news. Look at him! He’s like a dog with two tails.
Happy as a Clam
If you are incredibly happy, you can say that you are happy as a clam. This
is usually used when someone or something brings you excessive happiness, like
after major positive events in your life.
Visiting places that I haven’t
seen before makes me happy as a clam.
With Bells On
If you are waiting for something with bells on, it means that you are
looking forward to it with great enthusiasm. It is mostly used for entertaining
events such as celebrations, parties, etc.
“We are going to celebrate
Joe’s new job at the café on the corner. You will join us, won’t you?”
“Of course! I would never miss
it. I’ll be there with bells on.”
Happy Camper
You can call someone as a happy camper if s/he is happy and satisfied.
“My new laptop arrived broken and the company is refusing to let me
return it or give me a refund, so clearly, I am not a happy camper now.”
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